
Sunday, May 29, 2011


EWS UPDATE 31-12-2009:
Click Here to view our New Year greeting which goes out to all our supporters and especially to all of our detractors who made 2009 a year to remember. We look forward to revealing our hand in 2010.

SilburyNEWS UPDATE 17-07-2009:
It's been a great season so far this year with some spectacular designs capturing the media and by extension the public's imagination. Arguably the most spectacular to date was discovered opposite Silbury Hill in Wiltshire in early July. The design utilises a Mayan motif and has been variously described as "spellbinding" and "stunning" by visitors.

For those of you who have been following Colin Andrews' recentbreathless updates about a Wiltshire policeman allegedly seeing tall blonde beings inspecting the Silbury Hill crop circle we've created thisnew page
 especially or you.
Nat Geo

NEWS UPDATE 16-07-2009:
We were recently asked to participate in a documentary being made for National Geographic TV. They asked a mathematician from University College London to draw a design that we would then reproduce under cover of darkness in a 4 hour window. The design we were sent uses the 'Circles of Apollonius'. The show will air internationally on the National Geographic channel early next year. Above is a photo of the completed
design and here is the diagram we worked from.

NEWS UPDATE 05-06-2009:
As we hurtle towards the allegedly paradigm shifting year of 2012, the cultural swing back towards the irrational is well under way. The British media seems to have fallen back in love with crop circles this summer, with major coverage in The Guardian, Telegraph, Daily Mail and on theBBC to date.

There's been some hilariously bad reporting, such as the BBC initially reporting that the so called 'Jellyfish' crop circle (See photo on right) had caused £600,000 worth of damage! At most 2 tonnes of crop was actually flattened, the current grain price is around £120 per tonne so that's £240 of crop, quite a bit short of the stated £600,000. Great reporting from the BBC. Admittedly they have now revised that figure down to £600 in the article - which is still too high - after I pointed out their howler.

Returning to the issue of crop damage, as long as the crop circle is not heavily visited the crop will recover. If the farmer then drops his blades come harvest, he'll be able to recover most of the flattened crop anyway, just as he would with any wind damage. Or, if he opens up the field and charges £1 for every visitor he'd actually be in profit.

In The Guardian, John Vidal makes another howler in his guide to crop circle making he says of the 'stalk stomper' board used to flatten crop "The board should have ropes attached to each end so you can loop it over your neck.". Really?! We find it's usually easier to just hold the rope in our hand's John. You should know that, seeing as you once joined us in the fields to create a crop circle, although admittedly you did fall asleep for most of it, then when you woke up and joined in you actually managed to flatten the wrong bit of crop... but we forgive you.


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